Friday, May 8, 2015

Final addition to the Outline

Let the writing begin !!! This is SPARTAAAAA !!!

Lines to angle:

“But sadly, the Maria he knows and loves cannot survive his death, for she was from the first nothing but a projection of his fantasies,” (215 Eby)

“She adores him, lives only to serve him, longs for nothing but to learn his desires so that she can do for him what he wants, talks of her identity as completely merged in his.” (Edmund Wilson, The New Republic)  
“the amoeba-like little Spanish girl” (Edmund Wilson, The Wound and the Bow)

“…Hemingway’s sometimes public disagreements helped to create his popular image as woman-hater,” (Nolan 14)

“…the portrayal of Maria, who has unjustly been stereotype as being without individual personality, as submissive, and as unimportant to the overall theme of the novel,” (Rudat 8)

Pilar exemplifies the emancipated behavior endorsed by the Mujeres Libres” (my emphasis, Guill 10) yet she restricts Maria to domestic chores and forces her upon RJ (“contradictory”-Lil B voice).
I would've probably been done with this portion and most of the essay last night had my 'do not disturb'--for a group chat (ugh)--not (somehow) undermined my phone's alarm. 

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