Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fan Fiction

Leisha Jones is the author of Contemporary Bildungsromans and the Prosumer Girl and I agree with her points, and one point in specific: Fan fiction. According to Jones girls are more likely to become a prosumer, which is a portmanteau of producer and consumer. I loved reading that because it was so accurate. I've wrote and read fan fiction my entire life, so I would be what Jones considers a prosumer (I just love this word). I have consumed both the product and in turn produced my own product based on the material that I had originally consumed. This is exactly what fan fiction is. You take media and you produce one-shots, poems, stories, etc using the original media's characters and you produce what you want. For example you can include your own character into a story (what's known as an OC), you can ship characters together that were not together in the original media, etc. Honestly the things you can do with fan fiction are honestly endless. I usually write and read fan fiction about anime/manga online and I love it because in my opinion you can get creative inside of a world that you love. In some cases it can even keep interest in the original media still alive. In my case I used to watch a lot of anime that aren't shown on television nowadays but online, there is still a community that keeps the interest alive through our own media.

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